Revit macbook
Revit macbook

revit macbook

For this reason I would not recommend running a Revit on an M1 Mac (the topic of this thread!). I've also used Revit running on an M1 Mac via parallels on several occasions and found it to be a very frustrating experience, with lag on almost every click. I've used bot ArchiCAD and BricsCAD and find them to be inferior products to Revit for my needs.

revit macbook

I beats me why you are posting this on a forum that is clearly about running Revit on M1 Macs when you then go on to mention completely different software. Good on you, if you feel M1 powered computers meet your needs, I'm happy for you. So unfortunately no matter how good M1 is, is architects will likely never get to utilize it. Also pricing isn’t corporate friendly and I have yet to see any firms with Mac computers.

revit macbook

Yes they are reliable and last forever (my 8 year old MacBook still outruns many new low/mid range laptops) They are great hardware but macOS isn’t at the same “level” as iOS and just doesn’t have the software support. I haven’t bought a new Mac because it still can’t do most of what windows does. I imagine intel or and are actively researching ways to utilize ARM in a similar manor as the M1 series. Of course time will only tell but discrete graphics may not be the future for laptops. What’s important to understand about the M1 chip is that it’s built from the ground up as both CPU and GPU (at least the new ones) the versions just announced theoretically would rival any laptop with discrete graphics cards while lasting longer and running quieter. That’s mostly been true compared to the traditional setup and old integrated graphics.

Revit macbook